Search Results
Using K-mers for genome characterization by Kamil S. Jaron
K-mers for quality control of genomic libraries by Kamil S. Jaron & Lucía Campos-Dominguez
Tue 12 Sep, 14:00 - Understanding k-mers and ploidy using Smudgeplot
Introduction to K mer spectra analysis by Kamil S. Jaron & Lucía Campos-Dominguez
What's behind GenomeScope and Smudge plots? by Kamil S. Jaron
Solving genomic problems with K-mers
Fri 15 Sep, 09:00 - Genome profiling using GenomeScope
K mers for analyzing genome skimming data (including phylogenies) by Siavash Mirarab
Mile's Guide to k-mer-based GWAS
DSB2021 - The statistics of k-mers from a sequence undergoing a simple mutation process [...]
Sourmash protein k-mer sketches for large... - N. Tessa Pierce-Ward - BOSC - Talk - ISMB/ECCB 2021
Separating chromosomes by comparison of sequencing libraries Kamil S. Jaron